How RiveDrill works?.

RiveDrill is holded with the hand to not turn, while the drilling machine is turning. 

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L.I. RiveDrill 2017 color A4x2 EN & ES.pdf (1.3MB)
Importante Leer las Condiciones de Uso/ Important Read User Conditions
L.I. RiveDrill 2017 color A4x2 EN & ES.pdf (1.3MB)



How to change the nosepiece? 

a.     Turn the drilling machine to the right to move towards the inside shank. The jaws will leave the preasure on the nosepiece. Check the hole control is open. So change the selected nosepiece. 

b.   With the new nosepiece on, turn the drilling machine to the left and hear the click click and check the hole control is close . Atention. IF you change the nosepiece without doing step a), although you action the drill, the inside of RiveDrill does not move and you will have to press against the jaws to put the nosepiece while you are screwing it. 

Which RiveDrill is better for me?.

Each model of RiveDrill has a maximum run and a limited effort indicated in the user manual of each model. Neither the working run (Working stroke), neigther the maximum strength must be superior.  

Which lenth of the rivet can I use? 

You can use any thin (any measu

re), with enought longer rivets, but the rivet run (Maximum rivet) must be always less than the working run (Working stroke) of RiveDrill.

From the initial position with the hole control closed start: 

1.   To rivet. Put the mandrel of the rivet in the nosepiece and turn the drilling machine to the rigth while the RiveDrill is holding with the hand to not turn. The inside mechanism will move towards (to the operator) untill rivet and break the mandrel of the rivet. Stop the drilling machine and turn to the left.

2.  To expel the mandrel of the rivet. Turn the drilling machine to the left , holding the RiveDrill with the hand to not turn, and incline the riveDrill down to drop out the mandrel of the rivet when you hear click , click.  The hole control will be closed. Stop the drilling machine, put into the next rivet and repeat the same. 

Some models os RiveDrill have a hand protector. It is a slide protector that cover the user hand. It is an important safety element. See images. 

RiveDrill with a cordless drilling machine is a good equipment to make the holes and set the rivets. Some distributors use kits of sales with RiveDrill + drilling machine. RiveDrill can also be used with a key.  

There are spare parts? 

Maintenance of RiveDrill.

You can purchase online any spare parts. RiveDrill is always dismontle, removing the elastic washer, with a spanner. Sellect the spare parts you need and required online.


Rivet gun
Riveting tool

How to dismantle the riveting tool

Riveting tools models

What is NutDrill? 

NutDrill is a rivetter attachment for cordless drilling machine with torque , for nut inserts .  

You install as a drill bit in the chuck of the drilling machine and in the other side select the mandrel and guide of the metric size you are going to use. When NutDrill is acting by the drilling machine can make 4 movements. 

Nut insert tool

How NutDrill works?

1.   Thread the nut insert in the mandrel, turning to the right without holding the NutDrill.

2.      Rivet the insert into the metal sheet tuning to the right and holding NutDrill with the hand. Stop when the torque acting. 

3.   Avoid the preaseure os the mandrel and the insert acting for a while the drilling machine to the left , while NutDrill is holding to not turn. 

4.   Unscrew the nut insert turning to the left without holding the NutDrill with the hand.

Before start to use NutDrill you must follow these steps :

a. Put in NutDrill the guide and mandrel selected for you. This step is threading to the left. 

Nutinsert tool

b.      Select in the drilling machine the minimum speed and a small torque. You must never hit at the end of the thread of the mandrel.

c.  Test, in the air, which torque do you need for your nut inserts. Increase the torque step by step until the nut insert is setted before the clutch of the drilling machine is actioned. The torque depend on the drilling machine, the sizes and materials of the nut inserts. Remind the favorite torque sellected for this size of nut insert. 

d.   Get out the mandrel completely. Remiember not not hit the end of run. You can begin to use NutDrill. Read completely the user manual that goes with the unit, or decharge here .  

How to use NutDrill

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